Safeguarding in early years and childcare settings


Safeguarding in childcare and early years





Safeguarding in early years and childcare settings is one of the key elements of leadership. The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation and the Safeguarding and Welfare requirements states that providers must ensure that all staff have up to date knowledge of safeguarding issues.  There is now an increased emphasis on Safeguarding.  Even if your provision is ‘good’ and children are learning but it is judged to be not a safe environment and staff don’t have a good understanding of safeguarding it’s hard to achieve a good Ofsted judgement. It is now more important than ever to keep all your staff fully updated in all aspects of safeguarding with regular training and support.

If you would like to book this service and discuss your needs in confidence, please do not hesitate to contact me for a free consultation and to discuss your requirements. tel 07999936086 or 0161 4834 5254 or email me at