Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

posted by on Articles, leadership

We might think that leadership only applies to those who are responsible for leading large organisations. The idea of running a large organisation or even organising a ‘bring and buy’ sale at the local community centre for the scout fund may even appear unappealing. We do not all want to be the prime minister or […]

posted by on Articles, Communication

In my work as a coach I use many different tools and techniques with my clients. One of the most important tools of my trade is ‘questions’. Our brains love questions, they work hard to solve the most difficult questions and reward us with helping us to find the self awareness and the answers we […]

posted by on Articles, Know yourself

“You’ve got to accentuate the positive eliminate the negative and latch on to the affirmative. Don’t mess with Mister In-Between. You’ve got to spread joy up to the maximum, bring gloom down to the minimum, have faith or pandemonium’s liable to walk upon the  scene” – Johnny Mercer & Harold Arien. As human beings we […]

posted by on Articles, Change

Why is it so difficult to change a habit? Is it even possible to change? We are all aware that there is no quick fix and that it is hard to change.  New research from University College London suggests that making changes in our habits is achievable but that there are no quick fixes.  A […]

posted by on Articles

We are now a few days into the New Year… and how are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? Goals can be a powerful way to achieve your success. However, once you set your goals, you do need to work at it to make it happen. Otherwise a dream will never become a reality […]

posted by on Articles, Change habits, Endings, Know yourself, Self leadership

  In December, we often look back on the year. What kind of year has it been for you? Did you manage to achieve all the things that you hoped to this year?  We may beat ourselves up for abandoned resolutions, half cocked plans and things that just did not happen. The end of the […]

posted by on Articles, Stress, Success

Do you feel that there are not enough hours in the day?  That you are running around like a headless chicken and not achieving the things that you want to? Do you ever wish you had more time and that you were less stressed? If the answer is yes to any of the above you […]

posted by on Articles, Change, Self leadership

A number of my recent clients have wanted to make a change at work or at home, they have been looking for a new direction, a sense of purpose in their lives. For some people there is a feeling that something is missing, for others it’s about finding out what’s important to them. I really […]

posted by on Articles, Stress, Work life

Whether we work for ourselves or for someone else it is sometimes hard to resist the temptation to fall into the pattern of working too much. According to the organisation for working families nine per cent of employees worked forty to forty- eight hours in a usual working week, six per cent worked more than […]

posted by on Articles

I recently visited the David Bowie exhibition at the V & A in London. Now, I am not particularly a Bowie music fan however I was immediately struck by his endless ability to seek out and embrace change. This enduring ability to change has set him apart from all others artists. He was not prepared […]