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posted by on Articles, Stress, Work life

Whether we work for ourselves or for someone else it is sometimes hard to resist the temptation to fall into the pattern of working too much. According to the organisation for working families nine per cent of employees worked forty to forty- eight hours in a usual working week, six per cent worked more than […]

posted by on Articles

I recently visited the David Bowie exhibition at the V & A in London. Now, I am not particularly a Bowie music fan however I was immediately struck by his endless ability to seek out and embrace change. This enduring ability to change has set him apart from all others artists. He was not prepared […]

posted by on Articles, Know yourself, Stress

At the age of 62 Charles Bradley was able to realise his dream of becoming a soul singer and song writer.  As a young man Charles lived on the streets and slept on the subway travelling on the trains all night for 2 years. He enrolled in Job Corps and trained as a chef. People […]

posted by on Articles

At the age of 62 Charles Bradley was able to realise his dream of becoming a soul singer and song writer.  As a young man Charles lived on the streets and slept on the subway travelling on the trains all night for 2 years. He enrolled in Job Corps and trained as a chef. People […]

posted by on Articles, Confidence

Displays of non verbal expressions of power are displayed by both humans and animals alike. The peacock fans it beautiful tail feathers to attract attention, birds and cats puff themselves up to appear larger than they actually are. Even the most confident person may not always feel super confident and outgoing, they too may have […]

posted by on Articles, Decisions

– How to make choices at work or at home In the classic film noir Casablanca the reluctant and ambiguous hero Rick (Humphrey Bogart) is faced with many decisions. Did he have a decision making process or did he make all his decisions based on his gut feelings?  The film is set at the beginning […]

posted by on Articles, Communication, Relationships

Do you dread those difficult conversations with staff or perhaps someone close to you? Perhaps you have been putting off speaking to a member of staff you are responsible for or you are having some issues with a teenager or perhaps you just want to improve your relationships and you want to get the conversations […]

posted by on Articles, Know yourself, Motivation

How we like to take information in is important to how we learn. Mostly you can tell how people learn by simply listening to the way that they talk about their world.  There is no right or wrong way to learn but your learning style is important to you in establishing how you see the […]

What’s your type?


posted by on Articles, Know yourself

How the Enneagram can help you to understand your personality type The Enneagram is the study of personality types, ennea is Greek for the number 9 and gram means a drawing with 9 points. The nine points on this diagram represent 9 different personality types. Understanding these 9 different views can help us to understand […]

posted by on Articles, Goals

– You can get it if you really want In his famous song Jimmy Cliff sang “You can get it if you really want, you can get it if really want, but you must try, try and try….you’ll succeed at last”. At this time of the year many of us are starting to revisit our […]